
18. The project: As Swaida - Jordan Border, As Suwayda, Syria, 2004-2005.

Description of the Project:
This project was part of an important major highway that connected two capital cities in the Middle East, Damascus, Syria and Amman, Jordan. This part includes the link between As Suwayda City and Jordan border. Along this part there were four main crossings designed to be interchanges. The bridges had the same spans (12, 18, 18, 12 m) precast concrete T girders with different elevations, skew angles, widths, girder spacing, geotechnical conditions and soil properties. See the Appendix for further pictures and explanations.

My Role in the Project (in Detail):
1) I Proposed alternatives for the 4 bridges, see figure (94). I prepared and attended meetings with the client, and I demonstrated presentations regarding the selection of the right alternative. 2) I analyzed and designed the bridges. I used STAAD PRO. utilizing space grillage methodology. 3) I performed the static seismic analysis using the Single Mode Method.
4) I drew and submitted 20 drawings for each bridge (some of them are very similar). I prepared the general specifications for all bridges, and the particular specification for each of them.
5) I used Excel calculation sheets for quantity surveying and preliminary cost estimate.
6) I designed two reinforced concrete box culverts (one cell and three cells), those where used along the new designed highway and in different locations, skew angles and lengths.
All the designs were according to AASHTO LRFD 1998, and ACI. Figures from (95) to (99) represent some of the drawings that was drawn by AutoCAD and submitted to the client.